
August 12, 2014

Tour Through Blogland

Hi there!  I have been invited to participate in a blog tour by the lovely Nicole B at the blog Meet the B's.  I met Nicole when she first nominated me for the Leibster award shortly after I started our blog.  Nicole is a very sweet and talented blogger, who has some really great DIY and decor ideas!  I especially love her Wedding Wednesdays series.  Although I'm not planning a wedding, she has some great tips and ideas! If this is your first time here at the ABC's of Life, welcome! 

For this blog tour, each participant is asked to answer 4 questions and share some pictorial inspiration from their blog.  So let's get started!

What am I working on?
This is a great starting point because right now we are working on SO many aspects of our house it's been crazy! As of today our laundry room, kitchen, breakfast area, and wet bar are "under construction".  So for this tour I'm going to do something a little different.  Since I haven't been able to share full details of these rooms yet I'm going to actually show the "in process" photos!
Attempted replacing the dog door...

Wet bar shelves have been hung :)

Also prepping for a garage sale soon...

And starting our garage organization...

Almost finished with our command center and hopefully just in time for next week!

How does my work differ from others in this genre?
I have to say I really get inspiration from a lot of places but our overall style is not something I have really seen before.  I used to call it rustic romantic but as we dig further into understanding the design styles I have realized we are more chic farmhouse. :)  My husband is very much the manly ranch lover who would have cedar and cowhide everywhere if he could.  I, however, like a much lighter and brighter look with touches of worn weathered wood and shiny anything. Finding a common ground has definitely been the challenge but I think we're finally getting into the groove.

Why do I write/create what I do?
Because I love it!  I first starting decorating my room when I was really elementary young.  I would ask for decor and furniture for birthdays and Christmas just so I could have the style I wanted.  If you know me personally, then you know that I'm a talker.  I really do love to talk and listen.  It's part what drove me to my day job of a speech language pathologist.  Writing is that outlet where I get to tell my stories and share all the things that I love with y'all!

How does your writing/creative process work?
It all starts with a list.  Usually hand written on some notebook then transferred to its respective place.  For the home projects, I have a master to do list for the whole house broken down by rooms that is saved on our our computer, a sectioned out to do list that is handwritten with a few more details than the master list, a to buy list with all of the things we need to purchase for all of the projects and then lastly an ordered list with all of the steps of projects that need to get done by a certain time.  For example, my summer "vacation" ends this week so the to do list is what I need to get done by Friday.  Oh that's scary...

For the writing process, I usually know the jist of what I want to say.  I don't have a hard time actually getting the words out as much as I do not giving too much information and details.  I want to make sure that my readers have all the information that they could need so they don't have to worry about feeling like they don't have all the resources to complete each project I share.  This is usually just a pen and paper (like in the photo above) list making process.  If I have multiple blog posts started at once (like I do now) I write the name of the post that needs to be finished and what needs to be done to finish it.  I also like to take note of things that I want to add to the design aspect of the blog.

I hope you enjoyed our stop on the Blogland Tour and if you're new, old, or somewhere in between, as I always say, thanks for stopping by!
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  1. Can't wait to see your command center! It looks super cute! Glad you could join the tour :)

    1. Thanks for tagging me! Sorry I couldn't find anyone else to keep it going :(
