
October 21, 2014

Days 12-14: ABFOL 31 Day Purge

Here's the next round of A Bowl Full of Lemons' 31 Day Purge!  Our post for today is following the tips and tricks for Days 12-14.

Day 12: Purge your medications.
While I absolutely LOVE our organization for our medicine cabinet which was one of the first projects I ever created from Pinterest, I am bad about going through often enough and checking expiration dates.

Here's how we organize.  The containers are from Walmart and I just wrote on labels for the main categories that made sense to me which were Pain/Fever, Eyes/Ear/Nose/Throat, Stomach, Bailey's (children's), and then a larger box of the same set for general vitamins and antiseptics and the dog's medicines.  Then we have a small 3 drawer container that holds band-aids, ointments, and droppers/syringes (this is from when Bailey was much younger).
Please don't mind the mess on the other shelves...that's a to do for another day :/

Here's what was expired and needed to be tossed.  By the way, I did this before we moved into this house a year ago...

Day 13: Purge your game boards. 
Luckily this didn't apply to us.  We are still gathering up games as Bailey gets older.

Day 14: Purge your books.
Sadly this time, again it doesn't apply to us.  Bailey is the only one out of the 3 of us who really has a collection of books.  Adam has a couple in his nightstand and with his keepsakes, but we will be keeping those.  I have a couple that I want to read just haven't gotten around to it.

I hope you are still enjoying your purge, and as always, thanks for stopping by!
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