
October 13, 2014

Days 6-7 of ABFOL Purge: Make Up Purge

Day 6's purge is all about tossing that expired and unused make-up.  This is a tough one for me.  I have a pretty extensive make up collection (yes collection) for just the average person.  However, I managed to part with quite a bit, some that I have been holding on to since high school and some that I just wasn't using but wasn't expired.  That usually happens when I take someone's recommendation and it just doesn't work out for my skin tone, face shape, eye shape, etc.  So those I took with me back home and let my family dig through what they wanted :)

Here's what I got rid of...
I didn't have a ton of expired or old make up but enough that this helped to weed out the old (the pile on the left).  The box on the right is full of stuff that I haven't been using, have multiples of or just didn't work on me.

Day 7's purge is all about shoes!  Once again out with the old!  One of my very first posts on the blog was about my dressing room which you can see {here}.  I have converted our 4th bedroom (and the smallest of the 4) into my super girly dressing room.  In that room, I have 2 bookshelves that have become shoe shelves.  These were totally full and now that I have gotten rid of the ones I am not wearing (along with some sandals that I keep in an over the door holder in the closet), I have room for new shoes!  :)
As you can see I'm quite a few days behind, but hopefully I will be able to catch up soon!  Remember to follow A Bowl Full of Lemons to find out what to purge and all her awesome tips and tricks every day this month!
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