
December 1, 2014

A Personal Update...

So if you follow my on Instagram then you already know I have become an independent distributor of It Works! global.  If you don't know what that is feel free to contact me and I will explain it all but the best to do is head over to Instagram and see the before and after pictures yourself!  Our start up products was the amazing Ultimate Body Applicator aka the body wrap.  I could go on forever about the product but that's not what this post is about.  I have been getting asked a lot if I wrap and if I will share my personal results.  When I started in August, I did wrap a few times and saw some pretty significant results in my stretch marks and stomach however I decided not to share them because I was unable to finish a full treatment.  Here's why...
In November 2013, my husband and I decided to start trying to conceive baby #2.  I immediately stopped taking birth control and well you all know what happens from there.  Unfortunately over the past year we have been unable to get pregnant on our own.  In April, we got a positive pregnancy test and within a week I was bleeding heavily.  In May, I stopped having menstrual cycles altogether.  In September, I got another positive pregnancy test and scheduled an appointment with my PCM the next week.  When I went in for that appointment, I was given the news that neither my urine or blood test came back positive for a pregnancy.  At that point, my PCM (who is also my husband's PCM) asked if I would like a referral to a fertility specialist.  So many emotions immediately flooded me that I didn't know what to do or what to say.  I finally decided that I wanted to talk to my husband and see what he wanted to do.  After a pretty long discussion we decided, to go in for the appointment and just find out our options.

In October, we went in for our first appointment with the fertility specialist.  We got some answers, did lots of blood work and an ultrasound.  Luckily I have plenty of eggs, the bad news is my body is just not letting them out.  After my blood work was back and I went in for a follow up appointment, I was given my actual diagnosis.  I have mild PCOS and something to do with my insulin (my insulin is really high but the rest of my blood sugars are in the optimal range).  So she put us on a progesterone treatment cycle with lots of prescriptions and some shots.  In has definitely been a roller coaster over the last month and I couldn't imagine doing this without my husband's support and love.
Regarding the wraps, because they are not recommended for use during pregnancy, we have chosen not to use them now when we don't know if I'm pregnant or not.  Therefore, I can't show you personal results using the wraps specifically.  I have been using the defining gel on my ACL repair scar and just started using the cleanser, daytime moisturizer, toner, and exfoliating peel to replace the products I can't use during pregnancy.  Once I have a good month or two of results from these products I will share my results though for sure!

For those who have been saying things regarding us needing to have a baby, we are trying.  While I know you mean no harm and had no way of knowing we were in this limbo, I hope you understand now.  Please also know that I will find out before I will be ready to announce it to the world, so if you are family or friends and don't hear about it immediately just know we are waiting to make sure I don't miscarry again.  Thanks for your love and support through this time!

PS This is part of why I haven't been posting as much either.  I gain and lose energy quick so actually getting projects done while trying to prep for Thanksgiving has been far and few between.  I do have lots of stuff in the works and hopefully this week I'll be able to get back in the groove!
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