
January 5, 2015

Organized Drink Station

Before our family got here for the holidays, I decided to do a quick bit of organization in an area that gets hit a lot during these times...our drink station.  This includes our Keurig, coffee, coffee cups, travel mugs, teas, Emergen-C, Kool-Aid packets, and stuff for cider.  Pretty much everything you need to make drinks/coffee except things that have to stay cold obviously.

Here's the before.  I had actually started this before I realized that I wasn't taking pictures :)
I removed everything from the cabinet and wiped the shelves down with a Clorox wipe.  Then I went through all our drink mixes and teas to check the dates...sadly I don't know when the last time I did this was because some had expired in 2011!  We also decided to give away our set of white mugs.

Here's how each shelf turned out starting from the top.

Top Left: Extra coffee and seasonal mugs
Top Right: Spare Mason Jars and a milk frother (rarely used).  I use these for all sorts of things so I like to keep them altogether.
Middle Left:  This shelf is taller than the others so I keep our travel mugs and tall Christmas mug here.  In the middle of the entire shelf, you can see our coffee grinder.
Middle Right:  Cold drink mixes and the only box of tea left.
Bottom Left:  Daily use mugs.
Bottom Right: Hot drink mixes, Emergen-C (which reminds me I need to drink one today), sugar shaker (clear glass) and cinnamon-sugar mix shaker (steel).
We have lived with this set up for a few weeks and here's what it looks like now.  Almost identical!  Biggest change is Bailey's mugs have moved to the middle shelf because she's been using them more often for hot chocolate because it's actually been cold in Houston.  :)

Hope you enjoyed this little bit of organization and maybe it'll spark some New Year's organization in you too!  I'm all up for quick organizational tasks and would love to hear what your favorites are you have done in your house!  Who knows, that might be our next project!

And as always, thanks for stopping by!
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