
March 8, 2015

Project #closetmerge On The Cheap

For the first time in this pregnancy, I got a burst of energy and motivation to get some things done around the house Monday night (like 3 weeks ago)!  I have been so exhausted/nauseous/drained/unmotivated the last 9-10 weeks that I have really done nothing when I get home from work.  Even cooking has taken a back burner (sorry for the corny pun) because being up that long around food made sick to where I didn't want to eat.  I'm hoping that because I entered the second trimester last week, I'm starting to be in the clear of all the wonderfully awful first trimester symptoms.

Anywho, I wanted to share with y'all what I've been up to!  Most of you know that I have/had a dressing room which I have since decided to give up to make room for a full nursery.  The decision actually wasn't easy because the original plan was for the baby to share the guest room, but I finally decided that eventually sharing the guest room wouldn't work as baby B #2 gets bigger and will need his/her own room.  This means that my husband and I will have to once again for the first time in 2 years share a closet in our master.  (Yes, say a prayer for us haha!)  Since we find out the sex in March, I wanted to get to work on the merging of our two fashion worlds...  UPDATE: We have also decided to let Bailey, the big sister, have what we now call "the pink room".  She's always wanted it and has been such a helper through my pregnancy that we think she has definitely earned it.

Here's a peek into "the pink room".
Step one was of course clearing out our master closet because it was FULL of my husband's stuff.  Literally, you couldn't see the floor minus the little part to step into the closet.  Because he is on a weight loss journey, we decided to just box up and store his clothes that are a size or 2 too small in the guest room walk-in closet.
 This closet (and now room) is in total shambles too until we find out the sex of the baby so we know what to do with all of the boxes of baby girl clothes we saved from Bailey.
Once I had narrowed down his closet, I (with the help of Elsa aka Bailey) moved a shoe shelf and all my shoes to the master closet.  I had to borrow some of the shelves from the other shoe shelf (I had 2 in my dressing room) to allow for enough storage in one cabinet for all my shoes.  My athletic shoes are on a different shelf under Adam's clothes.
I also moved the over-the-door shoe hanger for all my sandals.  This just works so perfectly when you are tight on space that I decided to just keep it as is.
Then it was time to move in clothes.  I have been going through my entire wardrobe to sort into keep, donate, and toss so that when the move came I would have enough room.  I just simply brought all the shirts and dresses in and hung them on the rod.
Once they were hung, I had my wonderful husband bring in my dresser.  Adding this plus the shoe shelf really transformed this closet!
About a week before I had started actually working on this project, I went to Home Goods and purchased 5 packs of black velvet hangers.  These things are seriously worth every penny!  They keep all your clothes hung with sliding and take up a fraction of the space!
Please note: I forgot about taking pictures in the beginning of changing everything because I was so motivated to actually get up and do stuff and this was all done around 8-9 at night so the picture quality isn't wonderful.  Sorry bout that...

Hope y'all enjoyed this easy yet pretty big organizational project and as always thanks for stopping by!  PS I'll be updating again once we are finished with everything hopefully in the next two weeks!
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