
April 12, 2015

Bailey's Big Girl Room: In Progress

As most of you know by now, we are expecting our second baby in August and I have chosen to give up my uber girly dressing room to our uber girly 4 year old, Bailey.  Since she is now moving into what we are calling #thepinkroom, we have decided to take this time to create a more big girl space.  So like all of the room redos, here is where we are!

If you follow me on Instagram then you know we have now moved everything but one tall bookshelf and the vanity out of #thepinkroom.  Removing the closet rods from the wall left some hideously large holes, so I have since patched those and hopefully my awesome hubby will get in there soon to touch up the pink paint so we can move in more furniture.

We also shared that we are following Danielle Oakey's post {here} of creating a loft bed from a low bunk bed from Ikea.  So since last week was spring break for us, Bailey and I headed to Ikea and picked up the Mydal bunk bed and the recommended Moshult foam mattress.  Note: the mattress on these beds needs to be no thicker than 5 1/8" thick.
via Danielle Oakey Interiors
We will eventually do a more in depth post on putting the bed together and converting it to the loft bed like Danielle did, but Adam has to do the last step still so I'm waiting on that.  Just to give you an idea though it is a lot of pieces and I highly recommend sorting them out before putting the bed together like this.  And you may want to higher a different helper...Sophie just snored through the whole project.

And here's Adam putting the frame together.  It took about 30 mintues to sort and about an hour to put it together with mostly Adam doing everything by himself.
We have intentions of painting the bed frame like Danielle did but do to time constraints with Adam's work schedule and me being pregnant, it's looking like it will have to stay the raw wood for now.

This is where we have stopped for now, but I'm hoping we'll be able to get some more done over the next couple of weeks while I have a little momentum to get some things done.  In the mean time, here's some of my favorite inspiration for this space!
Source: House of Turquoise
Source: Censational Girl
And of course Danielle's daughters room!

Hope you enjoyed this quick snap shot into our current mess upstairs, and as always, thanks for stopping by!
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