
July 24, 2014

Herb Garden + Wooden Garden Markers

A few weeks ago I posted these garden markers from Target (below) on Instagram and today I was finally able to get out to our garden and plant the new herbs we bought at our new gourmet grocery store The Fresh Market. I have still seen the garden markers in the store but for some reason they aren't on clearance...but still at great price at only $7.99 per pack of 5 plus the green pencil!
I couldn't find them online either :(
So for those of you who haven't seen the initial garden post, {here's} where we started.  It was just the 3 sides, dirt and lots of weeds.  Here's where we were one week after that post where we had dug up all the weeds and planted about 5 different herbs/vegetables.
We started with a nice amount of oregano, mint, a stalk of rosemary, and a tiny jalapeno plant, strawberry plant, cucumber plant, and squash plant.  Shortly after planting these, our basset decided she was hungry and ate the strawberry and cucumber plants.  Our squash plant grew huge, but it was attacked by a ton of squash bugs and eventually died (about a month ago).  We planted basil about a month after this picture.

Here is where we are today.  Lots of weeds need to be pulled, but my sweet husband added the missing front piece of wood and things have grown tremendously!

As you can see we still have the basil, oregano, and jalapeno plant.  Behind the basil and oregano plants are two mint plants, and an small rosemary plant.  Then a few days ago, we purchased these herbs from The Fresh Market in Clear Lake for $3 each which is a great price for organic herbs at this size!

After I spent about the morning tilling, pulling weeds, planting the new plants, and adding the plant markers, here is what our little herb (and pepper) garden looks like today!

I'm totally happy with how it's looking and now I just need to do more research on how to keep these random bugs away and how to efficiently prune all the plants.

I hope you enjoyed this gardening adventure, and as always, thanks for stopping by!
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1 comment:

  1. Thank you for transferring your view. Your Markers are really looking very pretty in your garden. I also bought some markers and labels for my herb garden from ideal garden markers. They are supplying very attractive and durable garden plant markers.
