
July 27, 2014

Pop of Pink: Dress Up Cabinet Update

A few weeks ago I was in HomeGoods and spotted something I had been looking for since we first brought in Bailey's dress-up cabinet.  I mentioned that something was missing in this post when I showed you a little tour of the cabinet.  Do you remember what it was??  Because this piece is really a focal point in her room I really wanted all the details to be perfect and those mismatched plastic and padded hangers were just not doing the job.

So I found these for $5.99 each!  I had seen some for around $8 each on Zulily a few months ago that I just kept forgetting to purchase and I'm glad I did.  Not only did I save $4 on the hangers, I also saved the shipping costs.  Just another reason why this is my favorite store!

So here's the before...
And here's the after!

I'm so happy with how it turned out and yes she did snag some new dress up clothes that I found on clearance at Toys R Us.  There's just some sales that you can't pass up :)

I hope you enjoyed this money-saving decor adventure, and as always, thanks for stopping by!
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