
July 10, 2014

How to Remove Paint From Glass

As I was cleaning the entry in our house to post the Entry Room Tour, I realized that when the previous homeowners painted the door and windows/glass panels surrounding the doors that got paint all over the glass...not a good in any case.  I initially tried gently scraping the paint off but because there was so much of it around the edges it would have taken forever and killed my nails.  As you can see in the picture below there's quite a bit of paint and that's just on one panel...
So I decided to try some plain ol' Windex and a paper towel because that's what I was already cleaning the window with...
...and viola!  Perfectly clean, paint-free glass and it came off so easily!  Just spray on the Windex and wipe the paint away.  Easy as that!

I hope you found this tip helpful, and as always, thanks for stopping by!
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