
September 13, 2015

Meet Our Newest Addition!

Well it's been a while since I've been on here and to those who came often, I apologize!  The end of my pregnancy was an adventure of some sort to say the least.  But we're back and we are excited to share the new home adventures we're about to embark on.
First though, I'd like to introduce our newest addition to the ABC's of Life!  Our second B...Baby Blake!

He made his appearance just over 5 weeks ago and we could not be more in love!  He looks just like his daddy with blonde hair and blue eyes and is just the sweetest baby!
His big sister is loving him also!

I hope everyone had an amazing summer and here's a sneak peek of what's coming up next!  Yes that's a toilet in front of our bed...
And to anyone going through anything difficult (including major renos!) here's a little baby butt humor for you!

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